Thursday, December 20, 2007


So I'm about a week into my holiday break and I guess all my old babysitting clients have found out I'm in town and need a desperate break from the kiddies because I've spent a good part of my week chasing after toddlers. Anyway, Nick Jr. has this kick-ass show hosted by a guy called DJ LANCE and it has monsters and robots and celebrities guest star as dance instructors. Plus Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo fame does drawing lessons each show. In short, my future children will be forced to watch this show and only this show:

Sigh, so awesome...


STUART! said...

This reminds me a whole lot of Kure Kure Takora, I wonder if they are related.

Unknown said...

They do seem similar - except the Japanese one has some Three Stooges moments - and also the use of the gun was kind of alarming!