Thursday, April 24, 2008

The First Broadcast day of MTV

I was inspired by this Wikipedia list I found of the first videos played on MTV to try and recreate the first day of MTV with YouTube. So I just made a little playlist. I stuck in some original MTV IDs and VJs spots also, but I didn't bother to try and put them in the correct order so they are talking about the videos that just played or are about to play. If you remember your MTV history, the videos played out of order the first day anyway, so this is actually more historically accurate.

Unfortunately, I could not find these videos on YouTube, if you can let me so I can add them.

"Little Suzi's on the Up" by Ph.D.
"Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" by Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
"Don't Let Him Go" by REO Speedwagon
"Remote Control/Illegal" by The Silencers
"I'm Gonna Follow You" by Pat Benatar
"Is it You?" by Lee Ritenour
"Tough Guys" by REO Speedwagon
"Thank You for Being a Friend" by Andrew Gold
"Bring It All Home" by Gerry Rafferty

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